The WISE Choice For Professional Handpiece Repair Since 1996

Microlux Transilluminator


We are very pleased to offer Microlux Transilluminator at a very special price. Microlux Transilluminator can be purchased simply by adding it to your cart. Wise Dental Repair and supplies offers Microlux Transilluminator online for your conveinence. Great dental office products is our business and the, Microlux Transilluminator is one of the best. Add it to your cart today.Description: Transilluminator Features: ? Autoclavable light guide, available in 2mm and 3mm ? High output L.E.D ? Battery Operated ? Portable and easy to use ? Protective Sleeves available Benefits: ? Helps to Visualize Posterior and Anterior Caries, Crown Fractures and Root Canal Orifice call for a free 10 day trial

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